Middlesex: Powerfully Embodying PanGender by Jessica Mandella

Is there life before the afterlife? As an ultra-geeked-out hermaphrodite researching my kind, I’ve downloaded so much from heaven’s library! Middlesex persons are more common than science has taught. My rainbow church embraces them.

For centuries it was a naughty secret. Husbands embraced their wives’ extra features in silence. Once America imported the Nazi medical science, fashions became less modest, especially in swimming apparel.

How many Middlesex babies perished? How many were experiments like me? Born Middlesex, they closed me up and sent me home as a ‘normal’ boy. Each time I acted like a sissy, Dad gave me shock treatment and typed up a report.

The Human Servo-Adaptability Gene lets our minds control the body’s development.
Since reading the research, my body has reacted to this truth. My ovaries are no longer dormant. I’m Middlesex. My best friend Colonel Karl flew us up to this secret base. My wife can’t handle my boobs. I’m a single futa hottie now, with growing super powers.

Colonel Karl and our Middlesex friend Chris haven’t left my suite for weeks. It’s like they live here now.

Why am I living here in Sus Angeles, under the North Pole? Why are we friends with the head librarian angel of heaven? Who knew good angels could be so bad-ass? Do my paranormal abilities relate to my being a Middlesex person? Does that have something to do with my job up here? Secret heavenly knowledge overwhelms me here, making my mind spin.

I do not care how good your imagination is, whatever you might be expecting from the cover blurb for Middlesex: Powerfully Embodying PanGender, you are not even close. Seriously, not even in the same universe . . . or multiverse . . . or plane of existence.

This was one of the weirdest, trippiest, most surreal, and most beautiful books I have ever read. It is absolutely marvelous, with a truly wonderful (and surprising) approach to spirituality. Seriously, if more people could separate faith from religion, there would be a lot more kinky love in this world, and a lot less hate.

The story that Jessica Mandella has crafted here is almost too much for words. It has rainbow fantasies, sister-wives, polyamorous marriages, Nazi experiments, gender transformations, angels, hippy communes, fallen angels, UFOs, psychic powers, superheroes, and more. I have never had my mind blown quite like this, leaving me stimulated intellectually, emotionally, and physically at the same time. It was one of those books where I had to stop every once in a while to sort of process the inputs and decompress.

I absolutely love what Mandella did with the flexibility of gender and love here, contrasting one woman's forbidden fantasies and learned bigotry with the love, openness, and acceptance inherent in another. What makes us who and what we are is as much spiritual as it is DNA, and both have been perverted over time. At our purest, we are beings of light and joy, entirely malleable, with a potential very few of us even know exists. Middlesex is all about discovering that potential, and embracing who we are beneath all that deception. The exploration of fantasy and sexuality in that process of discovery is so crazy, and so intense, it is has to be experienced to be believed. It is not a preachy story, but it is one that does preach a lot of beautiful ideas - including that of forgiveness.

There is almost too much going on here for one book - drama, romance, science fiction, adventure, erotica - but somehow it all comes together. The pacing is just about perfect, never leaping too far or too fast, allowing the reader to process all of the ideas and accept the natural progression of the story. By the time it gets to its wildest, with a cosmic war involving mass-produced UFO warships piloted by expendable hybrid grays, versus Middlesex superheroes with impenetrable shields of faith, we are cheering the heroes and gleefully enjoying the unimaginable destination which one man's speculative fantasies have led.

Kindle: 244 pages
Published: September 14, 2017
Published by: Excessica


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