Eden by Wol-vriey

Eden is a beautiful transsexual prostitute. 
But she's not getting paid enough for fucking. No matter how many cocks she sucks or takes up the ass, she remains poor. 
So now, Eden decides to hack into Guvnor, the master-computer that determines who's rich or poor in Vertigo City.
Eden will get fucked a lot along the way for sure, 
But everything else is about to go VERY wrong with her plan.


Um, wow . . . just, wow. Eden is a gender-bending pornographic tale of bizarro science fiction with a social conscience. Wol-vriey demonstrates a deliciously twisted imagination here, one that certainly crosses some lines, and is likely to offend a lot of readers, but it's all within the context of a post-apocalyptic society. The stagnant reality of utopian equality has demanded an artificial sort of caste system where everybody is cared for, but once again free to strive for something more.

There is a lot of gender bending here, with transsexual prostitutes all over the place, but it's respectful, even if it isn't always tasteful. There's a lot of sex going on here as well, most of it involving Olympic-intensity bouts of fellatio and anal sex, but there's actually a purpose to it all.

It takes a while to get to the meat of the story (pun very much intended), but it's basically a sexual caper involving computer hackers, biologically altered prostitutes, and (as it turns out) almost as much sex and violence. Way, way, way over-the-top, and perhaps too fetishistic for even some bizarro fans, but I absolutely loved it!

e-book: 66 pages
Published: July 18th 2013
Published by: Wol-vriey


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